Rivers of Light was a nighttime show at Disney's Animal Kingdom. The show featured water fountains, mist screens, floating lanterns, fire effects, lasers, lights, fog, projection mapping, and live performers.
It is my pleasure to participate this show from ground zero to the end. Also my first time got the chance to working on site. Nine weeks of cooperation with technicians, engineer, performers, and clients is a valuable experience that helps me become a better designer from many aspects.

Directed by MBA Produstions
Creative Director / Marty Brinkerhoff
Editor / Brian Nuzzo, Megan Adeff, Phil Coulloudon
Design / Scott Line, Ray Oasay, Christy Kim, Ron Bourne, Nick Mendoza, Scott Peters, Will Jan
Model / Scott Line, Ray Oasay, Christy Kim, Ron Bourne, Nick Mendoza, Scott Peters, Will Jan
Animation / Scott Line, Ray Oasay, Christy Kim, Ron Bourne, Nick Mendoza, Scott Peters, Will Jan